Pokémon Deoxys V battle deck

 Hello! Today I am reviewing the Pokémon trading card game: Deoxys V battle deck. 

This deck includes: 60 trading cards (Wow, that is enough to play the game!), 3 reference cards, 1 rule booklet, Single player mat, Shiny damage counters, 1 large metallic Deoxys coin (not actual money), 1 deck box, 1 strategy sheet, 1 code card to play this deck online.

Wow, that is a lot!

So first we talk about the cards. You get 60 of them, so you have enough for one player. You get a Deoxys V card, which is a very valuable and rare card. You can only get this exact Deoxys V card in the V battle deck we are talking about here, so it is special. You know that you can only get this in certain thing by looking at the bottom of the card. If there is a star that says "promo" you know that this is a card that you can not get in any old booster pack. 

Then there are the reference cards. these aren't trading cards. these cards give information about Special Conditions that a card could go under when playing the game. They tell you about these conditions: Asleep, Paralyzed, Burned, Poisoned, and Confused. One card says what you can do during your turn and what is Special Conditions? All the cards are double sided. 

Then there is the rule booklet. This is just rules for playing the TCG. It is very helpful.

The single player mat is part of a TCG playing mat. This one is single though, and you can't play TCG by yourself (I don't think) otherwise this would be perfect. Like any normal mat, though, this has a section for the Bench, Prize Cards, Active Spot, Deck and Discard Pile. It has a Deoxys V on it and it nicely folds up into a small sqaure. 

Then we have some damage counters. They are really nice and shiny. 

There is also a cool metallic coin. This coin is black and red with Deoxys V on it.

The deck box is a small rectangle box to store you cards in. With Deoxys V on the front, this small box is very cool.

Then we have the strategy sheet, it just helps you with tips. 

And lastly, the code card that you can scan to get this deck online.

I hope you enjoyed this review of the Pokémon Deoxys V battle deck!


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